Recently at "Intercapillary Space"

Geraldine Monk Celebration (Part I)
[#] New poems by Geraldine Monk
[#] "A Nocturnall": Donne, Monk, Josipovici
[#] En ma Fin gît mon Commencement - Three Geraldine Monk pamphlets reviewed
[#] Geraldine Monk Hyper-Link Chrestomathy
[#] Five poems by Peter Manson
[#] A poem by Rupert Loydell
Giles Goodland:
[#] Caleb Whitefoord: The Cross Reading, a Modernist Poetry Avant la Garde
[#] Barbara Guest, The Red Gaze
reviewed by Melissa Flores-Bórquez
[#] Carol Watts, brass, running
reviewed by Edmund Hardy
[#] Tua Forsström, I Studied Once at a Wonderful Faculty
reviewed by Michael Peverett
Capsule Essays
[#] Aristotle's Styles: On Colour
[#] Lorine Niedecker, "There's a better shine"
[#] Muriel Rukeyser, "Islands"
[#] Douglas Oliver Blog Symposium / [#] Shearsman 67 & 68 & books to look forward to /
[#] "The Internal of a Bee": Lyric Archive / [#] Hyper-Link Chrestomathies Updated
[painting: Hans Hofmann, "Hearld", 1963]