so gifted so what is that it's not just Camille though there's Mme Moke moanin' mini the mother whose forearms are forewarned
she wants to know exactly how her baguette will be buttered
sister Nanci what you said about our fortune being founded only on our talents worried her a lot
straightening doilies till they tear
Camille Camille I love the dark hair of her looking through her blue sky eyes at who the hell am I when she told me she loved me my ears blinked & stuttered
I just had to win the Institute prize for money status & the gong I resisted each temptation to compose a Berlioz
I gave them what they wanted as the sounds & vibrations of revolution turned streets & facades to intimate whispers my redeeming percussion & Promised Land Camille & sound
for three glorious days the people were sublime
I even heard them singing Berlioz in the street my War Song
I went to join in without letting on & over ambitiously tried to right the tempo as the crowd grew & the times changed
we could hardly move
three National Guardsman kept audience & choir apart & even passed around their caps in a whip-round for those injured in the uprising
people coughed up as much for the absurdity as for the victims
we reversed like dogs guided by sheep
& backed into the Galerie Colbert hemmed in & squeezed to sing again from the upstairs window of a haberdasher's shop
what else but the Marseillaise?
everyone stood nicely shut up & listened
as we held forth like the bloody Pope
circumambient silence verse after verse after verse
until I shouted SING
& damn me if they didn't all start singing simultaneously in that confined space
a perfect performance unscripted & refined
full of ragged passion like the voice of France
for a moment I passed out on that wave
I won the Prix de Rome & scuttled around the Institute with the biggest hair in Europe
when the Symphonie fantastique was performed even moaning Mini Moke was impressed
we are to marry Camille & I when I return from Rome
in the morning I leave for the south
my parents' house & then the Alps
I have the Prix de Rome & thus am exiled for months
away from the sites of my art & heart
it's not the right time it goes without saying there is no such thing
I couldn't face the mid-winter Alps so I headed for the port of Marseilles
I've seen cosier graveyards in the rankest armpits of Paris
than the stinking sties that bobbed there moored inside the biggest piss-pot in the world
after days steering clear of the worst wrecks stenches & villains I bumped into
some simpatici Italians bound for Livorno on a Sardinian brig
we had to feed & fend for ourselves throughout the 4 day journey
so we stocked up for a week & eased out onto the glittering sea
the Mediterranean miracle & lunch in the salt & vinegar air
mixing Italian accents with French wine our stories & songs became richer strangers by the hour
in fact all the other passengers were Italian
one claimed to have captained Byron's boat down the coast of Italy to Greece
I loved his descriptions of gold-braid alcohol & orgies too much to demur
seven years now since the great man died it feels like none