brow patter / shore’s wet creep diffuse a constituent ppt absented, earth tones our assumption reciprocated: fallacies in collective usage & how / opted the stove still vascular the present assembly –
polite misses queue & nights vague betray betray redundant logic I, strikethrough dedicate to give
humour to doubt fracture wondering dinner now mute to glance the tear of skirt by speechact sense ware & embellish laugh
whisky lips to neck by dust & novem
in clasping shard cognitives saving is only politik a baring ratio we are still down on, patter’d with a year plural
helix twined, respires the only heat I could ever claim: white grape serotone to swim in audio– & blade the only neck I know by taste retinas to know solely mutual AM, sleeve by particles present for this air defracts a missing, girl vocal confers worn synth / frict lips grain environment. & this itself a distraction for carving the stat out
hold swing ambiguous / choke categoric : misfortune deduced this a physical universe I have witnessed its very electrons hurtling blue lucid w/ the fallacy of our meeting skins
to kick sake back against soil / wet quarry
to know breath / modulated is the most warmth & sourced condensate, beating corporeal the actual matter amouric diffuses skyward to form mare’s tail : present yet so barely & the laugh you exalt choke potentials: frequencies inhabited by vox stretch constituent, husk slight & limb pressed to slender, exotherm vital in colloidal freeze surround to find acclimatised the further evident / source fiest you left seduction on the oceanic curve & temperature slopes graver. plea matt hands & suspecting, gradient half-life out to slope: the adenosine caress method surface / miscorrect harsh