Index of Essays
David Ashford
[#] The Siberia of the Mind: Egoism in the Writing of Wyndham Lewis
David Berridge
[#] MAKING SEASONS: Kristin Prevallet
Jennifer Cooke
[#] Warring Inscriptions: J. H. Prynne's To Pollen
Emily Critchley
[#] Dilemmatic boundaries: constructing a poetics of thinking (also available as a pdf)
Amy Cutler
[#] Notes on The Diagram Poems
Ian Davidson
[#] An Island that is all the World
Giles Goodland
[#] Caleb Whitefoord: The Cross Reading, a Modernist Poetry Avant la Garde
Edmund Hardy
[#] Shielded Engagement: Danny Hayward’s ‘Two Essays’
Ralph Hawkins
[#] Frank O'Hara's 'Naphtha'
[#] Douglas Oliver's Diagram Poems
[#] Underwhelmed. Ted Berrigan via John Wilkinson
[#] Ted Berrigan. Plagiarism and / or the Found Poem. A Creative Writing Lesson.
Pierre Joris
[#] The Tea-Brown Light Of Kindness
Peter Larkin
[#] Being Seen for Seeing: a tribute to R F Langley's Journals
[#] Scarcely On The Way: The Starkness Of Things In Sacral Space
Alex Latter
[#] "Scheming for the possible world": J.H. Prynne's The White Stones and The English Intelligencer
Joe Luna
[#] Field Report, CRS vol. 5, 21.5.10
Michael Peverett
[#] First Person, Present Tense
[#] On J.H. Prynne, Her Weasels Wild Returning
[#] Athwart
[#] The Best of William Canton
[#] Robert Browning's Stafford
Robert Sheppard
[#] Coincidence and Contraries: Two extracts for Douglas Oliver
[#] Bad Poems for Bad People!
Laura Steele
[#] The Gardens of This Star: Three new Mallarmé messengers
[#] Comedy and the Conceptual in Douglas Oliver's The Harmless Building
Abena Sutherland
[#] The Pasteurization of Andrew Duncan
Short Essays By Various Hands On Poems Encountered
[#] John Ashbery, "The Couple in the Next Room"
[#] John Ashbery, "Definition of Blue"
[#] Andrew Duncan, "Circular"
[#] John Gay, "The Birth of the Squire"
[#] John Gay, "The Degenerate Bees"
[#] John Gay, "The Story of Zerbin and Isabella"
[#] Randolph Healy, "Frogs"
[#] John Kinsella, "Swarm: The Sequel"
[#] Alexander Pope, "Essay on Man"
[#] Alexander Pope, "On A LADY Who P---st at the Tragedy of Cato"
[#] Charles Reznikoff, "Among the heaps of brick..."
[#] Laura Riding, "Beyond"
[#] Denise Riley, about 3 poems
[#] Charlotte Smith, "Flora"