Nueva York, again

Federico García Lorca, traduced by Michael Peverett

Nocturne full of hollow
                                                Nocturno del hueco


To see that it has all gone
to see the hollows and the vestiges -
give me your glove of moon - !
your other glove of herb - !
my darling

                                                Para ver que todo se ha ido,
                                                para ver los huecos y los vestidos,
                                                ¡dame tu guante de luna,
                                                tu otra guante de hierba,
                                                amor mío!

the air can strip the snailshells
dead from off the lung of the elephant
and puff the dried-up maggots
from the yolks of light or the apples
                                                Puede el aire arrancar los caracoles
                                                muertos sobre el pulmón del elefante
                                                y soplar los gusanos ateridos
                                                de las yemas de luz o las manzanas.

the faces glide impassively
under the miniature shouting of the herbs
and in the corner is the small breast of the frog
cloudy of heart and mandolin
                                                Los rostros bogan impasibles
                                                bajo el diminuto griterío de las hierbas
                                                y en el rincón está el pechito de la rana,
                                                turbio de corazón y mandolina.

on the grand plaza desert
mooed the bovine head newly cut off
and were hard crystal definitive
the forms that were trying for the spiral of the serpent
                                                En la gran plaza desierta
                                                mugía la bovina cabeza recién cortada
                                                y eran duro cristal definitivo
                                                las formas que buscaban el giro de la sierpe.

To see that it has all gone -
give me your mute hollow, my darling -
nostalgia of academy and sky desolate
- to see that it has all gone!
                                                Para ver que todo se ha ido
                                                dame tu mudo hueco, ¡amor mío!
                                                Nostalgia de academia y cielo triste.
                                                ¡Para ver que todo se ha ido!

inside you my darling through your flesh
what silence of trains, face upward!
how much arm of mummy inflorescent!
what sky without exit, darling, what sky!
                                                Dentro de to, amor mío, por tu carne,
                                                ¡qué silencio de trenes boca arriba!,
                                                ¡cuánto brazo de momia florecido!
                                                ¡qué cielo sin salida, amor, qué cielo!

it's the stone in the water and it's the voice in the breeze
borders of love that escape from its bleeding trunk.
Enough to touch the pulse of our present love
to sprout flowers out of the other children
                                                Es la piedra en el agua y es la voz en la brisa
                                                bordes de amor que escapan de su tronco sangrante.
                                                Basta tocar el pulso de nuestro amor presente
                                                para que broten flores sobre los otros niños.

To see that it has all gone.
to see the hollows from clouds and rivers
give me your branches of laurel darling -
to see that it has all gone!
                                                Para ver que todo se ha ido.
                                                Para ver los huecos de nubes y ríos.
                                                Dame tus ramos de laurel, amor.
                                                ¡Para ver qu todo se ha ido!

wheel the pure hollows through me through you in the dawn
conserving the tracks of the branches of blood
and some profile of tranquil gesso that depicts
instantaneous dolor of impacted moon
                                                Ruedan los huecos puros, por mí, por tí, en el alba
                                                conservando las huellas de las ramas de sangre
                                                y algún perfil de yeso tranquilo que dibuja
                                                instantáneo dolor de luna apuntillada.

look: concrete forms that try for their vacuum
dogs gone astray and apples bitten out
look: the anxiety the anguish of a desolate fossil world
that not encounters the accent of its primal sobbing
                                                Mira formas concretas que buscan su vacío.
                                                Perros equivocados y manzanas mordidas.
                                                Mira el ansia, la angustia de un triste mundo fósil
                                                que no encuentra el acento de su primer sollozo.

when I seek in the bed the murmurs of the linen
you've come darling to cover my roof
the hollow from an ant can fill the air
but you go moaning without a north through my eyes
                                                Cuando busco en la cama los rumores del hilo
                                                has venido, amor mío, a cubrir mi tejado.
                                                El hueco de una hormiga puede llenar el aire,
                                                pero tú vas gimiendo sin norte por mis ojos.

no, through my eyes no, because now me you sign as
four rivers winding on your arm
in the hard barrack where the moon prisoner
devours a mariner in front of the children
                                                No, por mis ojos no, que ahora me enseñas
                                                cuatro ríos ceñidos en tu brazo.
                                                En la dura barraca donde la luna prisionera
                                                devora a un marinero delante de los niños.

To see that it has all gone -
impregnable darling, fled darling!
no, don't give me your hollow
because already through the air goes mine!
woe to you woe to me to the breeze!
to see that it has all gone.
                                                Para ver que todo se ha ido,
                                                ¡amor inexpugnable, amor huido!
                                                No, no me des tu hueco,
                                                ¡que ya va por el aire el mío!
                                                ¡Ay de ti, ay de mí, de la brisa!
                                                Para ver que todo se ha ido.


With the hollow, the blankest, of a horse;
mane, of ash. Plaza, pure, and doubled.

                                                Con el hueco blanquísimo de un caballo,
                                                crines de ceniza. Plaza pura y doblada.

My hollow, transfixed by the armpits, broken.
Skin dry of seedless grape, and asbestos of pre-dawn.
                                                Mi hueco traspasado con las axilas rotas.
                                                Piel seca de uva neutra y amianto de madrugada.

All the light of the world fits inside one eye.
Sings the cock and his song lasts more than his wings.
                                                Toda la luz del mundo cabe dentro de un ojo.
                                                Canta el gallo y su canto dura más que sus alas.

With the hollow, the blankest, of a horse;
surrounded by spectators that have ants in their words.
                                                Con el hueco blanquísimo de un caballo.
                                                Rodeado de espectadores que tienen hormigas en las

In the circus of the freezing without profile mutilated
through the capitals broken of the cheeks de-blooded
                                                En el circo del frío sin perfil mutilado.
                                                Por los capiteles rotos de las mejillas desangradas.

My hollow without you, city, without your dead that eat.
Equestrian through my life, definitively anchored.
                                                Mi hueco sin ti, ciudad, sin tus muertos que comen.
                                                Ecuestre por mi vida definitivamente anclada.


There is no new age nor fresh light.
Solely a blue horse and a pre-dawn.
                                                No hay siglo nuevo ni luz reciente.
                                                Sólo un caballo azul y una madrugada.

[From Poeta in Nueva York. Written in 1929.]

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