Index of Poems
Jenny Allan
[#] from Intermittent Voices
Felicity Allen
[#] The Installation
Tim Allen
[#] from Default Soul
[#] from The Failure of Myth
heidi arnold
[#] Red Checks
David Ashford
[#] Pulgarsari
Tina Bass
[#] Emmenogogue
[#] "not diligent"
[#] s'wet
my cyclamen
Aase Berg (trans. Johannes Göransson)
[#] Deformationszon / Deformation Zone
Filt / Blanket
Fotboj / Foot Buoy
Tom Betteridge
[#] Of A Silent District
Sean Bonney
[#] The Commons set 3 // 31 - 33
[#] The Commons set 3 // 27 - 28
[#] (after Rimbaud) "complaint registered March 18th 1871"
[#] (after Rimbaud) "september 2003. we were wondering why the poets were silent"
Ben Borek
[#] from Sissy
Mairéad Byrne
[#] That West End Blues Syndrome
Climbing the Stairs
Jon Clay
[#] 'Windblast a vibrating landscape'
Pyrite (Flare Hope)
Jennifer Cooke
[#] Phew
Emily Critchley
[#] I just want you to know that we can still be friends
[#] For Him
M. T. C. Cronin
Amy Cutler
[#] Wild Pansy
[#] Rumpele stilt
Steve Dalachinsky
[#] blank space in a car pool
Ian Davidson
[#] Baltic
[#] from Partly in Riga
Alex Davies
[#] Two Poems
Nina Davies
[#] Mzuzu University Inauguration Day 1999
Amy De'Ath
[#] Cuteness Is A Landscape
Mark Dickinson
[#] from Nematode
[#] from The Speed of Clouds
Oliver Dixon
[#] Four Poems
Tray Dumhann
[#] Two Poems
Andrew Duncan
[#] Precipice of Niches
AnnMarie Eldon
[#] scrubbing up
house calls and the slattern's self-disparaging emesis
Dan Eltringham
[#] mystics
Carrie Etter
[#] Anthro-
[#] Divining for Starters (65)
Peter Finch
[#] Old
Dominic Fox
[#] After Slumber (xiii)
Harry Godwin
[#] Experiments in Deconstruction : Flushing
Giles Goodland
[#] Three poems from Capital
Elizabeth Guthrie & Andrew K. Peterson
[#] Two Poems
Nathan Hamilton
[#] Sunbathe
Philip Hammial
[#] How Does Your Garden
Sarah Hayden
[#] Women & Labo[u]r I-II
Ralph Hawkins
[#] The pflight of a Poet (Four Chanson)
Ralph Hawkins and Alan Halsey
[#] From The Incomplete Pseudo-Necronomicon
Jeff Hilson
[#] from In the Assarts
Colleen Hind
[#] From "DP"
Peter Jaeger
[#] A Philip Whalen Mala
Lisa Jeschke
[#] Lines 1, 2, 3
Abdulkarim Kasid
[#] Two Poems (translated by the poet and Sara Halub, with David Kuhrt and John Welch)
[#] from Please Eat Yourself
Sarah Kelly
[#] Two Poems
Peter Larkin
[#] From "Shade" (At Wall With The Approach Of Trees, 2)
[#] Lean Earth Off Trees Unaslant, IV
John Latta
[#] Landskip And Fit
Francesca Lisette
[#] 3 Poems
Federico García Lorca
[#] Nocturno del hueco (translated by Michael Peverett)
Tom Lowenstein
[#] At Uqpik's Cabin
[#] The Apartments of the Great Khan
Joe Luna
[#] Two Songs
Helen Macdonald
[#] "Between her wings the novitiate"
Fabian Macpherson
[#] Two Poems
Richard Makin
[#] Nine Poems from Erratum's Lip
Peter Manson
[#] Poems
Labour 1995
That Door
If by dull rhymes our English must be chained
D. S. Marriott
[#] from Speak Low: Poem To Jonas
Pansy Maurer-Alvarez
[#] Rapture Stripped Of Confetti
rob mclennan
[#] last night: thirteen lines
Dee McMahon
[#] Satiety
Luke McMullan
[#] Dawn, Vision
JD Melling
[#] truth table analysis
Drew Milne & John Kinsella
[#] from Reactor Red Shoes
Geraldine Monk
[#] from Raccoon
Stephen Mooney
[#] from The Cursory Epic Pt 3 – The Seven Serpents
Benjamin Mullen
[#] The Aral Beach
[#] Easter Monday
Daniel Nester
[#] Two Douglas Rothschild Laments
To Be Imperfect, To Be
Andrew Nightingale
[#] from Maps of my Hermetic Future
Alistair Noon
[#] Postcards From Home
[#] Three Poems from Some Questions on the Cultural Revolution
Alice Notley
[#] Ten poems from Negativity's Kiss
R.T.A. Parker
[#] 9 sonnets from 99 Short Sonnets about Evil
Steve Parker
[#] Three Poems
Matthew Paskins
Dawn Pendergast
[#] from Zoo Po Day
[#] Hi mouse.
The Even
Frances Presley
[#] Creswell Crags
Nat Raha
[#] Three poems from 'mute exterior intimate'
Francis Raven
[#] I Thought This Was Better
Denise Riley
[#] Late March 2013
[#] You Men Who Go In Living Flesh
[#] Signifs
Lisa Samuels
[#] Civitas
Song: body's end
The morning of departure
Mark Scroggins
[#] Flâneur
'The spillage of sunlight...'
John Seed
[#] From That Barrikins
[#] from 'Brandon Pithouse: Recollections Of The Durham Coalfield'
Sophie Seita
[#] Fragonard
[#] Little Trauma
Robert Sheppard
[#] The war had ended; it had not ended
[#] From September 12
[#] From Thelma
Hannah Silva
[#] 'can live with this music we'
Helen Slater
[#] Easter Sunday 24 April 2011
Matina Stamatakis
[#] Behind Eyes
Joshua Stanley
[#] "It is a persistent floatation on the glass, the conflict there"
"The exchange of temperature unfelt bent blades of grass"
[#] The Return
[#] Untitled
[#] The true shape of proteins
Anna Ticehurst
[#] Open Season
Abasement Marks
Open Practise
Timothy Thornton
Scrap, Manifest [Poem no longer online]
Scott Thurston
[#] from Separate Voices
Daniel Tiffany
[#] Three Poems (2013)
Jonty Tiplady
[#] Happiness 4
Simon Turner
[#] La Città Nuova: a construction for Antonio Sant'Elia
To Be Bewildered
Lawrence Upton
[#] i.m. barry macsweeney
[#] oscillation
[#] Marcus Vergette
Pete Kubryk-Townsend
[#] NAMING for Lucio Agra
Stephen Vincent
[#] from Tenderly
Samantha Walton
[#] 3 Poems
Carol Watts
[#] from Dogtown
Tom White
[#] from Old Sense
Tessa Whitehouse
[#] Draft Folder Poems
James Wilkes
[#] Two reviews
Johan de Wit
[#] from annulus
6 statements

[#] from Intermittent Voices
Felicity Allen
[#] The Installation
Tim Allen
[#] from Default Soul
[#] from The Failure of Myth
heidi arnold
[#] Red Checks
David Ashford
[#] Pulgarsari
Tina Bass
[#] Emmenogogue
[#] "not diligent"
[#] s'wet
my cyclamen
Aase Berg (trans. Johannes Göransson)
[#] Deformationszon / Deformation Zone
Filt / Blanket
Fotboj / Foot Buoy
Tom Betteridge
[#] Of A Silent District
Sean Bonney
[#] The Commons set 3 // 31 - 33
[#] The Commons set 3 // 27 - 28
[#] (after Rimbaud) "complaint registered March 18th 1871"
[#] (after Rimbaud) "september 2003. we were wondering why the poets were silent"
Ben Borek
[#] from Sissy
Mairéad Byrne
[#] That West End Blues Syndrome
Climbing the Stairs
Jon Clay
[#] 'Windblast a vibrating landscape'
Pyrite (Flare Hope)
Jennifer Cooke
[#] Phew
Emily Critchley
[#] I just want you to know that we can still be friends
[#] For Him
M. T. C. Cronin
Amy Cutler
[#] Wild Pansy
[#] Rumpele stilt
Steve Dalachinsky
[#] blank space in a car pool
Ian Davidson
[#] Baltic
[#] from Partly in Riga
Alex Davies
[#] Two Poems
Nina Davies
[#] Mzuzu University Inauguration Day 1999
Amy De'Ath
[#] Cuteness Is A Landscape
Mark Dickinson
[#] from Nematode
[#] from The Speed of Clouds
Oliver Dixon
[#] Four Poems
Tray Dumhann
[#] Two Poems
Andrew Duncan
[#] Precipice of Niches
AnnMarie Eldon
[#] scrubbing up
house calls and the slattern's self-disparaging emesis
Dan Eltringham
[#] mystics
Carrie Etter
[#] Anthro-
[#] Divining for Starters (65)
Peter Finch
[#] Old
Dominic Fox
[#] After Slumber (xiii)
Harry Godwin
[#] Experiments in Deconstruction : Flushing
Giles Goodland
[#] Three poems from Capital
Elizabeth Guthrie & Andrew K. Peterson
[#] Two Poems
Nathan Hamilton
[#] Sunbathe
Philip Hammial
[#] How Does Your Garden
Sarah Hayden
[#] Women & Labo[u]r I-II
Ralph Hawkins
[#] The pflight of a Poet (Four Chanson)
Ralph Hawkins and Alan Halsey
[#] From The Incomplete Pseudo-Necronomicon
Jeff Hilson
[#] from In the Assarts
Colleen Hind
[#] From "DP"
Peter Jaeger
[#] A Philip Whalen Mala
Lisa Jeschke
[#] Lines 1, 2, 3
Abdulkarim Kasid
[#] Two Poems (translated by the poet and Sara Halub, with David Kuhrt and John Welch)
[#] from Please Eat Yourself
Sarah Kelly
[#] Two Poems
Peter Larkin
[#] From "Shade" (At Wall With The Approach Of Trees, 2)
[#] Lean Earth Off Trees Unaslant, IV
John Latta
[#] Landskip And Fit
Francesca Lisette
[#] 3 Poems
Federico García Lorca
[#] Nocturno del hueco (translated by Michael Peverett)
Tom Lowenstein
[#] At Uqpik's Cabin
[#] The Apartments of the Great Khan
Joe Luna
[#] Two Songs
Helen Macdonald
[#] "Between her wings the novitiate"
Fabian Macpherson
[#] Two Poems
Richard Makin
[#] Nine Poems from Erratum's Lip
Peter Manson
[#] Poems
Labour 1995
That Door
If by dull rhymes our English must be chained
D. S. Marriott
[#] from Speak Low: Poem To Jonas
Pansy Maurer-Alvarez
[#] Rapture Stripped Of Confetti
rob mclennan
[#] last night: thirteen lines
Dee McMahon
[#] Satiety
Luke McMullan
[#] Dawn, Vision
JD Melling
[#] truth table analysis
Drew Milne & John Kinsella
[#] from Reactor Red Shoes
Geraldine Monk
[#] from Raccoon
Stephen Mooney
[#] from The Cursory Epic Pt 3 – The Seven Serpents
Benjamin Mullen
[#] The Aral Beach
[#] Easter Monday
Daniel Nester
[#] Two Douglas Rothschild Laments
To Be Imperfect, To Be
Andrew Nightingale
[#] from Maps of my Hermetic Future
Alistair Noon
[#] Postcards From Home
[#] Three Poems from Some Questions on the Cultural Revolution
Alice Notley
[#] Ten poems from Negativity's Kiss
R.T.A. Parker
[#] 9 sonnets from 99 Short Sonnets about Evil
Steve Parker
[#] Three Poems
Matthew Paskins
Dawn Pendergast
[#] from Zoo Po Day
[#] Hi mouse.
The Even
Frances Presley
[#] Creswell Crags
Nat Raha
[#] Three poems from 'mute exterior intimate'
Francis Raven
[#] I Thought This Was Better
Denise Riley
[#] Late March 2013
[#] You Men Who Go In Living Flesh
[#] Signifs
Lisa Samuels
[#] Civitas
Song: body's end
The morning of departure
Mark Scroggins
[#] Flâneur
'The spillage of sunlight...'
John Seed
[#] From That Barrikins
[#] from 'Brandon Pithouse: Recollections Of The Durham Coalfield'
Sophie Seita
[#] Fragonard
[#] Little Trauma
Robert Sheppard
[#] The war had ended; it had not ended
[#] From September 12
[#] From Thelma
Hannah Silva
[#] 'can live with this music we'
Helen Slater
[#] Easter Sunday 24 April 2011
Matina Stamatakis
[#] Behind Eyes
Joshua Stanley
[#] "It is a persistent floatation on the glass, the conflict there"
"The exchange of temperature unfelt bent blades of grass"
[#] The Return
[#] Untitled
[#] The true shape of proteins
Anna Ticehurst
[#] Open Season
Abasement Marks
Open Practise
Timothy Thornton
Scrap, Manifest [Poem no longer online]
Scott Thurston
[#] from Separate Voices
Daniel Tiffany
[#] Three Poems (2013)
Jonty Tiplady
[#] Happiness 4
Simon Turner
[#] La Città Nuova: a construction for Antonio Sant'Elia
To Be Bewildered
Lawrence Upton
[#] i.m. barry macsweeney
[#] oscillation
[#] Marcus Vergette
Pete Kubryk-Townsend
[#] NAMING for Lucio Agra
Stephen Vincent
[#] from Tenderly
Samantha Walton
[#] 3 Poems
Carol Watts
[#] from Dogtown
Tom White
[#] from Old Sense
Tessa Whitehouse
[#] Draft Folder Poems
James Wilkes
[#] Two reviews
Johan de Wit
[#] from annulus
6 statements